Beneficial Effects Of Vitamin C

Sebastiano Accaputo
January 6, 2022

The beneficial effects of Vitamin C on your well-being and beauty are several and fascinating. Here are some properties of this nutrient that make it so special for your well-being.

Vitamin C: Why It Is Essential?

In general, vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, is important because it is involved in numerous metabolic and enzymatic processes in your body.

Its deficiency can cause swelling or bleeding of the gums, delayed healing, fatigue, scurvy, depression and poor digestion.

Vitamin C: Strengthens The Immune System

Since ancient times, vitamin C has been used as a remedy for seasonal diseases, such as flu and colds. The reason is that this vitamin has an immunostimulating power, beacuse it increases the defense action of immune cells and is involved in the processes that regulate the production of antibodies. This way, vitamin C puts the body in a position to better resist disease, including cancer or heart disease. It has also a detoxifying action on the body and minimizes the effects of exposure to smoke or pollution toxins. And as well  from alcohol and drugs.

Vitamin C: Protects And Repairs Tissues

Among the beneficial effects of vitamin C  keeping collagen active stands out, with very important consequences for both your health and your beauty. Collagen is, in fact, a protein present in the skin and connective tissues. It is responsible for the correct elasticity and functionality of connective tissues, and cartilage, bones, skin and also capillaries, teeth and gums. Thus, vitamin C has a fantastic natural anti-aging action. It also plays an important role in the healing of burns or wounds, in the prevention of bleeding of blood capillaries and in the repair of bones in the event of a fracture: health and beauty at the same time!

Vitamin C: It Is An Antioxidant

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and as such counteracts the action of free radicals, or those waste molecules which, when produced in excess, can cause premature aging. The antioxidant action of vitamin C protects cells from oxidative stress, making them more resistant and ensuring their long life. In addition, it also may have benefits in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

Vitamin C: It Is Useful In Case Of Anemia

Iron is very important for our body, because it is essential for the correct functioning of the red blood cells. It is not a mineral that our body absorbs easily and its deficiency can cause tiredness, muscle fatigue and anemia. Among other beneficial effects of vitamin C, it is also able to improve the assimilation of iron and other important nutrients. In fact, ascorbic acid manages to condition the absorption of this mineral and almost all vitamins. This is why we recommend using lemon or squeezed orange to flavor iron-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables, legumes and tofu. In addition, vitamin C also contributes to the metabolism of some amino acids, as well as playing a role in the use of carbohydrates, in the synthesis of fats and proteins.

Vitamin C: Is Your Ally Against Stress

A regular intake of vitamin C can also help you keep stress under control.

This nutrient, in fact, intervenes in the synthesis of the molecules that regulate the transmission of nerve impulses (catecholamines) and is important in the synthesis of the hormones that regulate the response to stressful situations (flight, reaction, attention and concentration).

With the right dose of Vitamin C you will ensure a general boost, both mentally and physically.

Vitamin C In Food

The human body is unable to synthesize vitamin C on its own - as happens for example for animals - and it is therefore essential to ensure that you get this nutrient through food. Among the foods richest in vitamin C we find above all fruit and vegetables. However, since vitamin C is a thermolabile nutrient - and therefore its content in foods decreases or disappears completely with cooking at even low temperatures - the foods that contain it should always preferably be eaten raw.

Vitamin C With IV infusion

Vitamin C can be also supplemented by IV infusions. IV Vitamin Drips bypasses GI absorption and biotransformation in the liver, ensures bio-availability of the micronutrients in high concentrations (not bound to plasma proteins) and gives desired results quickly, in contrast with oral or intramuscular administration routes. Injectable micronutrients are not affected by stomach, or intestinal absorption problems.