Aqualyx before and after

Sebastiano Accaputo
February 25, 2021

AQUALYX: The non-surgical treatment for stubborn Fat - Before and After

Several scientific studies published at the end of the last century have clearly demonstrated how when using solutions based on phosphatidylcholine, used "off label" for the non-surgical reduction of localized adiposities, the active ingredient in adipocytolysis was the detergent (ie sodium deoxycholate) and not phosphatidylcholine itself.

However, the exclusive use of sodium salt deoxycholate by injection resulted in severe tissue necrosis, given the lack of selectivity and the high aggressiveness of the detergent. Based on these concepts, in 2004, the Italian prof. Motolese began working on a new formulation that was supposed to act by selectively destroying the fat cell (adipocytolysis) without damaging other tissues.

This study led to the development of a new highly selective product for fat cells - Aqualyx® .

Aqualyx® is a microgelatinous solution containing micro quantities of molecules with an adipocytolytic action (derived from sodium deoxycholate), with a short half-life, capable of modulating and intensifying the effect on adipose tissue of medium frequency ultrasound applied externally. Aqualyx® must be infiltrated in selective mode, only and exclusively through the intra-lipotherapy injection technique.

Aqualyx® also known as Motolese’s Solution was originally designed to be used in junction with a Ultrasound Cavitation (cavitational adipocytolisis with Aqualyx®). Ultrasound Cavitation can be used also in between treatments to speed up desired results (Dry Cavitation).

 AQUALYX - Before and After Histological Studies


Histological studies carried out ex vivo have shown how the combined action of external medium frequency ultrasound and Aqualyx® is able to determine pathognomonic alterations of cell damage in the adipose tissue such as: cell swelling, cytoplasmic homogenization, cell membrane splitting and, finally , lysis of the adipocyte cell as it is visible in the above Aqualyx before and after histological image.

How Aqualyx Works

Aqualyx® is a phosphatidylcholine-free solution, in which the main agent capable of causing the destruction of fat cells is a detergent (a depowered sodium deoxycholate). This solution dissolves the fat by emulsifying the fat cells. Aqualyx®, therefore, once injected into the adipose tissue causes cell lysis with the release of cell residues and triglycerides which are progressively disposed of by the system monocyto-macrophage and drained into the lymphatic system.

Unlike phosphatidylcholine solutions, Aqualyx® is:





Who is the best patient for this treatment?

Anyone with “localized adiposity”, ie accumulations of subcutaneous adipose tissue that are insensitive to normal metabolic signals (low-calorie diet and physical activity), is the ideal candidate for treatment with ultrasound and Aqualyx®. Women, for example, can successfully treat unsightly fat pads present in areas such as hips, “coulotte de cheval”, inside of the knee and inside thigh. Men, on the other hand, can easily reduce abdomen fat and double chin. Aqualyx® is not indicated in the obese or in markedly overweight patients


Use graduated compression stockings (at least 70 DEN) perform a lymphatic drainage one week after the session and try to follow a balanced diet. The use of ultrasound seems to demonstrate an action that further enhance the result.

Treatment Areas

The areas that can benefit from the treatment are: abdomen, thighs, hips, inner knees, culotte de cheval, male pseudo-gynecomastia, double chin, thoracic folds, arms, "buffalo hump".